
estne, estne, estne

Room's way too muggy. The quad-core probably isn't helping much.

If I had made different decisions that day, decisions which were completely innocuous at the time, this situation may have evolved in a completely different way. But, ultimately, the circumstances ended up becoming aligned and, now, there's quite a situation, isn't there.

It's not my fault. I've read enough posts and watched enough clichéd shows/movies to know about the unproductiveness of misplaced guilt. And, so I clearly won't let myself dwell upon this. But the impression still remains.

Why did she have to stare at me? Why did her tears have to begin welling up as she was staring at me? Did she know of those insidious thoughts that had remained dormant up until that very moment our eyes connected after those stupid fucking dominoes fell? Worse, does she not share in my assumption that my guilt is misplaced?

I haven't gone to see her since. I just can't. Shit is fucked up is what it is...

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